If you are reliant on your income to cover living costs, it is prudent to protect your financial position in the event if injury, illness, disablement or death with the use of personal insurances. This may include Life, TPD, Trauma and/or Income Protection.
How we can help
There is a lot to consider when finding an insurance package that suits your needs. We help to:
- Determine how much cover you need (or you can tell us if you have a specific amount);
- Quote the market to find a competitive policy; and
- Structure your cover tax effectively.
The Process
You can choose to receive advice limited to insurance only. Under this scenario, we won’t consider any other area of your financial position.
By clicking “Get Started” you will be directed to a quick questionnaire. This will give us the basic details we need to prepare some preliminary quotes for your consideration.
Upon completion of the questionnaire you will be invited to book a 30 minute consultation via Zoom or phone. During this session we will discuss your insurance options further.
If you would like to proceed with an application, we will provide you with a written Statement of Advice containing all of the necessary details and lodge the application on your behalf.
If you would like insurance incorporated as part of an over Financial Plan which considers other areas of advice, check out our Tailored Advice offering.
lodging an application
If you decide to proceed with an insurance policy, we will lodge the application on your behalf.
Once the application is lodged, you will then be required to do a tele-interview with the insurer. This is roughly a 30 minute phone call where the insurer will ask you questions about your medical history.
Generally, there are no mandatory medical requirements. If you have pre-existing health conditions, the insurer may want medical records or health checks done as part of the application.
Prior to lodging your application we will discuss (if you’re comfortable) any existing medical conditions which may impact your ability to get insurance. This will allow us to determine the likely underwriting outcome prior to lodging an application.
Funding the premium
Life, TPD and Income Protection can be funded via superannuation or outside of superannuation. We will provide advice as to which option is most appropriate for you (considering the tax implications).
In most cases, there is no need to change your super fund to have the premium debited. You can quote the market, find the most appropriate cover, and have it funded via a rollover from your existing super fund.
Trauma cover can only be funded outside of superannuation.
Cost of Advice
We charge a flat fee of $330 inclusive of GST to prepare and presentation insurance only advice. This also covers the cost of implementation should you decide to go ahead.
If your application for insurance is successful, we will be paid a commission from the insurer in addition to the advice fee.
ready to go?
If you would like our assistance to establish an appropriate protection package and you’re ready to take that next step, click below to get started.
Still have Questions?
If you’re still unsure and have questions, fill in the form below and we will get back to you shortly.