Portfolio Methodology

Using a collective of expertise, we build, monitor and manage portfolios that last the test of time use the Core + Satellite approach to investing. 

Investment Advice

Building portfolios to suit your stage of life

Before investing any money you need to consider your investment timeframe and risk tolerance. This will determine the volatility and potential return in your portfolio.

We work with clients to develop an appropriate mix of growth and defensive assets to create a portfolio that suits their needs, with a comfortable level of risk.  

Investments which suit your stage in life

The way you invest as an accumulator is vastly different to the way you invest as a retiree because your goals are different and your portfolio should reflect that.

Accumulators are generally focused on total return and have the time horizon available to take more measured risks. Retirees on the other hand, typically places more emphasis on income and capital preservation.

We offer tailored investment solutions for both accumulators and retirees to ensure you always have a portfolio that suits your stage in life. If you are particularly focused on ethical investing, we offer Ethical Portfolios as well!


You don’t need to be an expert investor to understand that diversification is important. 

Our portfolios diversify everything from asset classes to investment structures and styles. This helps your portfolio to perform well in different market conditions.  

Investment committee

Our portfolios are developed off the back of an experienced investment committee. This committee leverages different ideas, expertise and experiences to create robust portfolios which stand the test of time. 

Financial Plan

Incorporate investment advice as part of your overall financial plan by checking our our Tailored Advice offering. 

Portfolio Methodology

We put together a booklet to help you understand more about investing and our portfolio methodology. 

Investment Plan

ready to go?

If you want to learn how we can help build and manage a portfolio to suit your needs, feel free to get in touch!